A Love Story

The Beatles at the Cavern Club

This is a website dedicated to the girl from my Beatles RPF series Girl on AO3 .

I do a lot of research for my writing, which is the most fun part and oftentimes means getting off track and down the rabbit hole.
Ultimatley, not everything ends up in a story, especially because my Beatles RPF series is written from John's perspective which naturally means everything the reader knows about the girl is through his eyes and therefore highly subjective, hilarious and sometimes plain wrong.

So, on this website I want to shine a light on the girl because I love her and I want to write down all the tidbits, bits & bobs I collected by reading so many books, listened to so many albums, looked at so many photos and watched so many films & TV shows.


09 October 2024: I was bored on the 9th Octover 1940 when, I believe, the Nasties were still booming us led by Madalf Heatlump (Who only had one). Anyway they didn’t get me.
Happy birthday, John! 💝

previous months

23 September 2024: I added another easter egg - but this time it's not that easily found.

20 September 2024: I love making polaroids so much that I added a few to the calendar. Just click through the dates and see for yourself - days with a photo are indicated by an asterisk (*). This is an ongoing project and I'll add more in the future.

26 July 2024: Happy birthday, girl! I promise to continue your story very soon. 🤞🏻

08 June 2024: I updated the calendar with both relevant Beatles' dates (actual true ones) and events in John and the girl's life.

03 June 2024: I added a calendar - including original John Lennon bird art - where you can read up on important dates in John and the girl's life. I'll update the calendar sporadically. Right now 1967 has the most events listed. 29 May 2024: I added a notebook - including original John Lennon cat art - where you can get a sneak peek at my WIP. It's also a little push for myself to finally get back to writing again!

21 April 2024: Re-reading some of my own stories (😬), I added bits and bobs on various sections that I had previously forgotten. Speaking of which, I can't believe I didn't include the girl's and Paul's grooviest outing together in the hobbies section. Fixed!

05 April 2024: Actually, now the hobbies section is complete. I got so hung up on jazz and coffee that I forgot to write about the rest of the 60s.

04 April 2024: The hobbies section is now complete!

27 March 2024: I updated the hobbies section a tiny bit.

12 March 2024: I wrote a bit about the inspiration for my story and the character of the the girl here.

3 March 2024: I added a story index for those of you who stumbled across my website by happenstance and didn't come directly from AO3.

25 February 2024: I added one of John's sketches of the girl for those of you who are curious as to how she actually look like... Have a look here.

23 February 2024: I wrote about the girl's scrapbooking hobby here and spent way too much time to create a little questionnaire for her.

21 February 2024: Finished writing about the odd love triangle; just writing about it gave me a headache...poor John.

20 February 2024: I began to write about the girl's ménage-à-trois with John and Paul. You can read about it here; there're photos as well.

18 February 2024: I talked a bit about the girl's athletic hobbies.

10 February 2024: I finally came around to describing the girl's bedroom. Read all about it here (there are polaroids as well!). I also updated the site info.

8 February 2024: I exchanged all photos for super cool Polaroids, that I designed to fit the whole theme of the website better. Also listed resources for my writing.

1 February 2024: With a little help I managed to add a lightbox feature, which makes looking at photos so much better. I also added a new playlist and wrote a bit about adult literature in the book section.

25 January 2024: I added an easter egg

24 January 2024: I re-added photos and wrote about the girl's and John's favourite scents in the appearance section.
